Traders World Issue #53
- Interview with Dan Zanger
- As Above So Below The Astrological (H) Edge with Trading!
- Math by Design Using Overlays
- Sometimes Things Just Don’t Work Out
- Glaring Money Trends and Risk Flares that Every Trader Should be Following
- Modeling Top Traders
- How to Develop a Winning Trading Strategy
- This is the Mindset of a Successful Trader
- Trading Out of Randomness
- The W.D. Gann Methods for Forecasting Seasonal Analysis
- Time by Synodical Degreees
- Two Bits.. or Not Two Bits Sept. 2012 -- Sept. 2013 - Financial Foreshocks?
- 7 Reasons Why Silver is Poised For Storng Permance
- High Power Trading with Geometry
- The Path Ahead for 2013: Showcasing the NASDAQ 100 and S&P 500 e-Mini Futures