Successful Trading Thru Knowledge

Joe Rondinone
By Larry Jacobs - Editor of Traders World Magazine
Joe Rondinone was a good friend of mine since the beginning of Traders World magazine in 1986. He passed away a few years ago.
He was very successful trading stocks and commodities. He started trading in 1948. He took the commodity trading course of W.D. Gann and talked to him over the phone with personal instructions on several occasions. Later on Mr. Rondinone developed his own trading course, the Symmetrics Trading Method.
Understanding the Harmonics of Music
I believe that his method came from his understanding of the harmonics of music. Mr. Rondinone was a genius in music. He taught music for over 30 years and become very proficient with several instruments with many years of practice and study. He said you can buy a book on how to play the piano and read it in a few hours but when you finish reading the book you still can’t play the piano. Your fingers require many hours of exercise and must scale practice to develop dexterity. There is a great coordination required to playing musical instruments. You must read the music and give each note the right interval of timing and keep the beat and give music the called for expression. Most of all your fingers do all the playing. Dexterity of fingers and coordination of mind must be developed with all the above. This requires discipline and practice to become professional. Trading the markets is very similar with all of the trading rules. You need timing and patience with practice and coordination to become successful and professional.
As Aristotle wisely put it, “You learn to play the flute by playing the flute.”
Mr. Rondinone taught me the trading method in 1986 and I conversed with him many times learning the method over the years. He taught his system at one of our seminars in Chicago and wrote many articles in our magazine. He visited and talked with me several times over the years.
Trading Rules
Mr. Rondinone developed trading rules from the encouragement of myself and from many friends and brokers who believed traders of today needed guidelines from which to work and successfully trade the markets. Mr. Rondinone said that knowledge is your key to success but you can’t have knowledge unless you first get an understanding, which is the beginning of wisdom. Like most professions, trading is one which there is a direct correlation between what you are prepared to put into it and what you will eventually take away from it. The opportunity for success is available to all.
Many years ago Galileo wisely put it. “The truth is written in the great book of nature, but only he can read it who can decipher the letters in which it is written.”
In an effort to help our subscribers to Traders World magazine. I will explain the Joe Rondinone trading rules, which may become helpful toward your attainment of success in trading the markets. Needless to say there are many other trading rules, but the rules I will explain are the basic, practical, realistic, technical guidelines toward profit-making in today’s hectic trading markets. Just one of these trading rules could be the missing link in your chain for success in your present trading. Learn these trading rules, learn to follow them, meet the challenge squarely and the only limit on how much you can earn trading is that which your yourself set.
Time for a Change in Your Trading
In the words of Samuel Johnson, “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.” Are you...
- Frustrated with the feeling you are trapped in trading and can’t make any money.
- Sick of buying systems that don’t work.
- Unable to be successful in trading
- Drowning your selves in coffee just to survive
- Wondering if this was going to be it in your trading.
Tired of chasing fleeting trading systems that never make money and frustrated with the illusions of the American dream.
You need to make the life changing decision to learn how to successfully trade and flip your world upside down.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Larry Jacobs editor of Trader World magazine. I am a successful trader and I am going to teach you how to trade the markets using the rules of Mr. Joe Rondinone who taught me over the years how to do it the right way. I want to change your life and be part of your trading journey. Trading over the years has allowed me to experience the kind of depth that few have had in trading. I started Traders World magazine in 1986 and have been the editor since. I have seen and tested many trading systems. I was winner of the World Cup Trading Championship for stocks in 2001.
Most people reading this are a subscriber to Traders World magazine.

P.S. If you have not started your journey to successful trading yet, you can sign up below to get it started with the first email lesson.
Here is an overview of the steps to creating a successful trading career:
Larry Jacobs
Founder of Traders World Magazine
I am Larry Jacobs and will be your instructor and will send lessons via emails stretched out over a period of time so that you learn how to trade the markets with the following:
Step 1. The Four Requirements
Step 2. Rules on Developing a Method
Step 3. Rules on Trading Formations
Step 4. Rules on Trading Strategies
Step 4. Chart Examples

Larry Jacobs - Editor of Traders World Magazine
Trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.