Traders World Issue #72

- GEODETICS, again! Pullback Pattern Study by Daniele Prandelli
- Harmonics and Periodicity by Eric Penicka
- Time’s Up by Rick Versteeg
- Market Barometer by George Krum
- Robert Pardo Legendary Trader and Algorithmic Software Pioneer
- Key Principles of Trading and Investing by Thomas Barmann
- Interview with Alon Avramson
- Managing Risk Like a Professional Trader
- Avoid Blowing Up Your Trading Account by Dr. Barry Burns
- Risk and Fall of a Crypto Star: how Cycles Predicted the Crash of Nvidia by Lars von Thienen
- The Transneptunian Paradox and precision Timing in the Markets by Tim Bost
- Review of Rob Hoffman’s Pro Trader Pack Elite for MetaStock by Larry Jacobs
- Did W.D. Gann use Planetary Hours as Short Term Cycles? by D.K. Burton
- Strategic Investment Mixology - Developing the Holy Grain Portfolio by Steve Selengut
- Introduction to Hidden Geometry by Ron Jaenisch
- Another Look at Finding Money to Save by Jacob Singer
- Elliott Wave Analysis & Price Forecasts 2018’s Decline a Correction Within Secular-Bull Uptrend by Peter Goodburn
- Mindfulness in Trading: Building the Emotional Self Control to Achieve Your Potential by Rande Howell
- How to Test Your Startegy on Any Market and Put the Probabilities on Your Favor by Steve Wheeler